FT v4.0.3 - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on August 16th, 2022.


  1. Adds a way to declare tabbed content in the HTML body of a topic or article.

    Documentation links: Add Tabbed Content and Expanding Blocks to Documents 

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Reader page & Viewer page FT-8210

Fixes an issue where section-by-section navigation in the Reader page would not be displayed properly on mobile devices running Safari.

Turnkey Portal FT-8234

Fixes an issue where it would be possible to configure the Reader page administration interface in such a way that a document's table of contents would be duplicated.

KHUB - Reporting FT-8248

Fixes an issue where an error would occur when uploading a map attachment and it would be impossible to remove the map attachment that failed to upload correctly.

Portal Configuration FT-8259

Fixes an issue where a placeholder URL would not be properly escaped when using the Page designer to configure custom tiles.