FT v4.0.24 - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on November 17th, 2022.


  1. Adds the possibility to filter publications by status (Done, Warning, Error, and Waiting) in the Publishing administration interface.

    Documentation links: View a job report 

  2. Improves labels in the interface.

  3. Adds a customizable message in the Search Results component of the Page designer to display when no results are returned.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Analytics AMS-1979

Fixes an issue where the name of the downloaded file of the User traffic page of the Analytics dashboard was incorrect.

KHUB - Reporting FT-8600

Fixes an issue where the number of publications shown in the Publishing administration interface would be incorrect.

Integration FT-8613

Fixes an issue where the locale metadata value would not be correct.

Portal Configuration FT-8644

Fixes an issue where Quick filters could have an empty or duplicated name.

Portal Configuration FT-8652

Fixes an issue where editing the layout of a section in the Page designer could result in an incorrect number of columns.

Integration FT-8656

Fixes an issue where pretty URLs with special characters would not be crawled properly.