External links - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

In the External links section of the Search page administration interface, ADMIN and PORTAL_ADMIN users can select a checkbox so that results with the metadata ft:openMode=external open in a new browser window.

For accessibility reasons, the checkbox in the External links section is unselected by default.


FTML content that is hosted on external sites is tagged in an FTML map as follows:

<ft:meta key="ft:openMode">external</ft:meta>
<ft:meta key="ft:originUrl">target_url</ft:meta>

If the checkbox in the External links section is unselected, the target URL opens in the same browser tab. As a result, an end-user who selects the link leaves the Fluid Topics interface. By selecting the checkbox, the target URL opens in a new browser window, allowing the end-user to remain on the Fluid Topics interface.