Switch to relatives - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

The Switch to relatives section allows users with the ADMIN or PORTAL_ADMIN role to select the metadata that Fluid Topics should use when identifying relatives. In order to switch successfully, the relatives must share the same value for the pivot metadata.

The selected pivot metadata must be present in the topic or document.

It is possible to select any built-in metadata or custom metadata as the pivot metadata.

When pivot metadata is defined at the topic level, Fluid Topics always keeps the same position in the Table of Contents. As a result, the user seamlessly stays in the same "place" within the document while switching from one relative to another.

- It is best to select monovalued topic pivot metadata. If an administrator selects multivalued metadata, Fluid Topics only uses the first value.

- If two topics have the same value for the pivot metadata, Fluid Topics displays whichever topic comes first in the Table of Contents.

More information about the Switch to relatives feature is available in the following topics: