Browse job history - Fluid Topics - 4.0

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

The History section begins with the following tools to find a specific job report based on one or several of the following criteria:

  • A search bar to search for jobs by upload name, source, user name, or type (PUBLISH, DELETE, REPROCESS, or ATTACHMENTS).
  • A date picker to view only jobs for a certain date
  • A menu to view only jobs with a given status.

Each line in the History table contains the following information:

  • The date and time the job was launched.
  • A link leading to a full report about data transformation and publication, including details about errors if any occurred.
  • The name of the source through which content was published (or an indication if the job was a reprocess or an attachment).
  • The number of files processed correctly.
  • The number of files processed with errors.
  • The number of rejected files.
  • The duration of the job.
  • The name of the user who launched the job.
  • An option to delete a process job if critical problems occur.

When using an API key to publish an archive, if the publisher's username was defined in the request made to the Upload content web service, this username appears in the User column of the History table. Holding the pointer over the username displays the API key that was used. Both the username and the API key also appear in the job report.