FT v3.9.41 - Fluid Topics - 3.9

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on June 14th, 2021.


  1. Provides a new hierarchical facet selector on the offline homepage.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6528

Fixes an issue where the Word connector would sometimes not convert images correctly. 

Offline FT-6587

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics would not display an error message about missing topics when content is not synchronized for offline reading.

Offline FT-6588

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics would not remove offline content completely when running Firefox or Safari.

Offline FT-6589

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics would return inconsistent results when using the Search in Document feature to search for stop words.

Offline FT-6591

Fixes an issue where exiting offline mode would not work properly after a period of inactivity.