FT v3.9.39 - Fluid Topics - 3.9

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on June 7th, 2021.


  1. Makes the RATING_USER role configurable for unauthenticated users.

    Documentation links: Assign Default User Roles 

  2. Adds plain text for Feedback and Rating emails for integrations that do not support HTML format.

  3. Supports hash navigation in the file viewer. 

  4. Filters Pretty URL and Rating metadata requirements to not display the same metadata more than once.

  5. Always sets the user's preferred interface language at time of login.

  6. Makes the context menu width fit content.

  7. Makes the PRINT_USER role configurable for unauthenticated users. This role replaces the Make print available to everyone check box in Reader page administration interface.

    Documentation links: Assign Default User Roles 

  8. Adds the FEEDBACK_USER role and makes it configurable for unauthenticated users.

    Documentation links: Assign Default User Roles 

  9. Removes the Preview button in Search in document cards.

  10. Changes a URL in the Enrich and Clean administration interface.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6538

Adds support for Word symbols.

Reader page & Viewer page FT-6569

Fixes an issue where resizing the Reader page would not work properly.

Portal Configuration FT-6576

Fixes an issue where the Progressive Web App manifest configuration page would not always be available when activating the Offline feature.

Upgrade Information

In supported browsers, hashes like #nameddest=id can now be used to redirect to a section in PDF files.

The PRINT_USER and FEEDBACK_USER roles are available in the Default roles drawer of the Manage Users administration interface.