Relevance sort - Fluid Topics - 3.9

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

When Fluid Topics end-users view search results in the Search page, they can choose whether to sort results by relevance or last update as follows:

Search results sort criteria

When end-users sort by relevance, Fluid Topics applies each of the following default sort criteria in the order listed to determine which results to display first:

  • The most relevant documents appear first (based on the values for the Words, FieldMatch, Pathlen and Weight attributes).
  • Documents appear before articles.
  • Articles appear before topics.
  • Titles are sorted in ascending alphabetical order.
  • More recent content appears before older content.

In the Relevance sort section of the Search page administration interface, ADMIN and PORTAL_ADMIN users can override the default template in order to determine relevance based on a set of custom sort criteria.