Pagination - Fluid Topics - 3.9

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

The Pagination section of the Reader page administration interface is currently in beta mode. During this time, section-by-section navigation is only available for users with the BETA_USER role on portals where the 3.10 feature toggle is enabled.

Before the release of Fluid Topics v3.9.36, the Reader page always featured infinite scrolling for all content.

For versions starting with v3.9.36, the Reader page administration interface has a new Pagination section. In this section, ADMIN and PORTAL_ADMIN users can choose one of the following options:

  1. Leave the section unchanged to keep infinite scrolling for all content (default behavior).
  2. Enable section-by-section navigation for all content.
  3. Add metadata requirements to make infinite scrolling available for some types of content and section-by-section navigation available for others.

Section-by-section navigation splits content at "Level 1" topics (H1).

Use case

An administrator has the following objectives:

  1. Make infinite scrolling available for all content with the Content = Technical Notes metadata.
  2. Make section-by-section navigation available for all other content.

The administrator adds two rules as follows:

Enable section-by-section navigation and keep infinte scrolling for one type of conten

Since Fluid Topics applies the rules in the order they are listed, the more specific rule applies first, and the more general rule applies to the remaining content.

As a result, all content without the Content = Technical Notes metadata appears as follows:

Section-by-section navigation example

Meanwhile, all content with the Content = Technical Notes metadata appears as follows. Notice how the last topic of the first Level 1 section and the first topic of the second Level 1 section appear one after the other in the same page:

Infinite scrolling example