Install PaFs on data-processing server - Fluid Topics - 3.8

Install Fluid Topics on Multiple Servers

Operating system
Technical Notes

The following steps must be performed on the Indexing environment.

Make sure that all steps in Tenant Configuration have been correctly performed.

In the case of an on-premises installation, install the project-specific package available in your repository. This package is called antidot-svc-ft-$project_name-idx. It automatically launches the ft_install_pafs script

Install PaFs

Run the following command:

As antidot user

ft_install_pafs -t $TENANT_ID -H $BACK_OFFICE_HOST --ws-login $BACK_OFFICE_LOGIN --ws-password $BACK_OFFICE_PASSWORD


  • -H is the hostname of the Back Office server ("localhost" by default if the command is run on the server hosting the Back Office environment)
  • --ws-login (by default "antidot") and --ws-password (by default "change_on_install") parameters contain Back Office IDs of users with enough privileges (should be manage and expert roles)

If this command returns the following error message: "command not found", please ensure that you correctly set the PATH variable.

In our example, run the following command:

ft_install_pafs -t OleanDor -H bo01 --ws-login antidot --ws-password change_on_install