Index metadata - Fluid Topics - 3.8

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

Selecting Index metadata in the Knowledge Hub section of the Administration menu displays an interface where users with the ADMIN or KHUB_ADMIN role can make metadata searchable. In other words, users can enter a metadata value in the search box and instantly find matching content. This can be useful if a metadata key has numerous values, thereby making it difficult to use facets to filter search results.

For example, if a company has one hundred product references which are not part of the content but only specified as metadata keys, users would select a product reference and then have to sort through hundreds of results.

Selecting the Index metadata tab in the Knowledge Hub section of the Administration menu displays the Index metadata administration interface as follows:

Index metadata administration interface

All metadata available on the portal are listed in a table's columns as follows:

  • Key: name of the metadata element.
  • Values: values found in the portal content for the key. 10 values max are displayed.
  • Index values: a checkbox to index the values associated with the key.

- Metadata is automatically added to the table when a document is uploaded to Fluid Topics.

- Any new content uploaded which uses metadata set for indexation follows the indexing rule as configured in the Index metadata interface.

- There is no need to declare the metadata key in any other place (Homepage or Search page configuration interfaces).

Query results depend on the content type:

  • A book is returned in the search results if it has the queried metadata value.
  • A book topic is returned in the search results if it has the queried metadata value.
  • An article is returned in the search results if this article or one of its topics has the queried metadata value. Article topics are not returned in any circumstances.

Selecting the Save button launches a reprocess job.

It is possible to launch a reprocess job at any time by selecting the Reprocess button.