Track an Ongoing Reprocess Job - Fluid Topics - 3.8

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

Reprocessing content is a mandatory step when using the Enrich and Clean feature, indexing metadata, or modifying content access rights. Users with the ADMIN or KHUB_ADMIN roles can launch a reprocess job in the following ways:

After a reprocess job starts, it is possible to track its progress in the History section of the Process content page.

This section displays the following elements:

  • The date and time at which the reprocess job began.
  • The method used to launch the reprocess job (portal interface or API).
  • A confirmation that it is a REPROCESS job (in the column where publish jobs indicate a SOURCE).
  • The status of the reprocess job (WAITING, RUNNING or DONE).
  • The number of documents successfully processed at a given moment and the total number of documents included in the reprocess job.

Activating the toggle in the History section displays reprocess jobs in the list with details including the duration of the reprocess job and the name of the user who launched it:

Knowledge Hub History