Before installing the tenants, make sure that all steps in Tenant Configuration have been correctly performed.
Run the following command:
Before installing the tenants, make sure that all steps in Tenant Configuration have been correctly performed.
Run the following command:
As antidot user
ft_install_singlebox_tenant -t $TENANT_ID -u $TENANT_URL --ws-login $BACK_OFFICE_LOGIN --ws-password $BACK_OFFICE_PASSWORD --company $COMPANY
In the case of an on-premises installation, install the project-specific package available in your repository. This package is called antidot-svc-ft-$project_name-singlebox. It automatically launches the ft_install_singlebox_tenant script.
As antidot user
apt-get install antidot-svc-ft-$project_name-singlebox
The following table lists all arguments available for the ft_install_singlebox_tenant command:
Short variant | Card. | Description |
-cie | Optional | Expects the name of the company (by default, the host company). |
-h | Optional | Displays the help and lists all available optional arguments for the command. |
-H | Optional | Expects the host name of the web server. |
-https | Optional | Enables the use of HTTPS protocol. |
-t | Mandatory | Expects the ID of the tenant. It corresponds to the name given to the tenant configuration directory. It is case-sensitive. |
-u | Optional | Expects the full URL of the Fluid Topics tenant presented in the following form: http://localhost:8080/$TENANT_ID/ |
-v | Optional | Enables verbose mode. |
--ws-login | Optional | Expects the login of the user authorized to launch the web service (by default, "antidot"). |
--ws-password | Optional | Expects the password of the user authorized to launch the web service (by default, it is the default password of the "antidot" Back Office user). |
This command performs the following actions:
Once the tenant is installed, make sure you have a root user with the KHUB_ADMIN rights to publish in Fluid Topics. If you do not, refer to your Antidot contact.
In our example, the following command is used to create the tenant:
ft_install_singlebox_tenant -t OleanDor -u http://oleandor:8080/OleanDor --company Antidot