It is necessary to create the Antidot Application User antidot with the proper rights on the server hosting Antidot components in order to run ALL the components.
Create the appropriate user and group
The GID (Group ID) and the UID (User ID) must not exceed 999 but should be as close as possible to 1000. For instance, if 999 is already assigned, use 998, and so on.
Run the following commands to create the antidot group and the antidot user:
As root user
groupadd -g 999 antidot
adduser -gid 999 -u 999 antidot
If the group ID is already taken, check the list of the groups existing on the server by running the following command: cat /etc/group
Set the user's password
Set a password for the antidot user by running the following command:
As root user
passwd antidot
Enter the antidot password twice as prompted by the server.