ft_create_ws_conf - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Install Fluid Topics on a Single Server

Operating system
Technical Notes

The ft_create_ws_conf script is used to create a ws.conf.json configuration file for a given server.

Command template:

ft_create_ws_conf [-a AFS] [-b $BACK_OFFICE_URL] [-l $BO_LOGIN] [-p [$BO_PASSWORD]] [-t $BO_TICKET] [-x $PDF] [-h]

Command example:

ft_create_ws_conf -a AFS -b https://myFluidTopics/bo-portal.com -l myBOlogin -p myBOpassword

Command arguments:

  • -a: Expects AFS hostname. Default is localhost.Can also be written --afs.
  • -b: Expects the Back Office hostname. Default is localhost. Can also be written --bo.
  • -l: Expects the login of the user authorized to access the Back Office. Can also be written --bo-login.
  • -p: Expects the password of the user authorized to access the Back Office. Can also be written --bo-password.
  • -t: Expects a ticket which can be used instead of Back Office login/password information. Can also be written --bo-ticket.
  • -x: Expects the PDF server hostname. Default is localhost:5000. Can also be written --pdf.
  • -h: Displays the help and lists all available optional arguments for the command. Can also be written --help.

The script is available in the antidot-fluidtopics-reply package.