urn:meta:input_report - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Integration Guide

Operating system
Reference Guides

The CONTENTS layer of the urn:meta:input_report is used to consult a report on all inconsistencies or errors that may arise during execution of the Topic PaF.

The urn:meta:input_report is only available for erroneous PaFs.

The urn:meta:input_report is displayed as in the following example:

Some issues have been identified inside the uploaded archive. In consequence a part of the uploaded content has not been published properly. Please check the report below to fix these issues before retrying to upload.

Some referenced files have not been found in the archive:
File topic_1_2.dita contains a tag <xref> with a reference to not_uploaded_file.dita
File topic_1_1.dita contains a tag <image> with a reference to images/unknown_image.png
File errors.ditamap contains a tag <chapter> with a reference to topic_chap_2.dita

There are references to topics which cannot be resolved (path/to/file.dita#TOPIC_ID, TOPIC_ID is not in "path/to/file.dita"):
File topic_1_2.dita contains a tag <xref> with a reference to topic_chap_1.dita#wrong_topic_id
File errors.ditamap contains a tag <chapter> with a reference to multiple_topics.dita#unique-in-multiple-topics

There are references to XML nodes which cannot be resolved (path/to/file.dita#topic-id/NODE_ID, NODE_ID is not the topic "topic-id"):
File topic_1_2.dita contains a tag <xref> with a reference to topic_chap_1.dita#topic-chapter-1/wrong-tag-id

Some Topics are using a non valid ID. Value must start with either a letter or underscore (_) and may contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.):
In file invalid_id.dita, id "ceci n'est pas un id valide" is invalid (contains forbidden characters)

Some distinct topics are sharing the same ID:
Topic ID "duplicate-id" is declared in files {'topic_1_2.dita', 'topic_1_1.dita'}.

Some nodes inside a topic are sharing the same ID:
In file node_id_conflict.dita, topic node-id-conflict, the ID "duplicate-node-id" is defined multiple times.
File multiple_topics.dita is xml invalid (ID dup-multiple-topics already defined, line 10, column 14)
File xml_invalid.dita is xml invalid (Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 6 and body, line 7, column 12)

Some Dita files could not be parsed:
Unknown child for <bookmap>:
<topicref xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" href="dita_invalid_topic.dita" class="- map/topicref "/>

while handling dita_invalid_ditamap.ditamap: please check the dtd validity of the ditamap

There are invalid XML files:
File multiple_topics.dita is xml invalid (ID dup-multiple-topics already defined, line 10, column 14)
File xml_invalid.dita is xml invalid (Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 6 and body, line 7, column 12)

In this report, errors are introduced by an explanatory sentence:

Error encountered



Recommended action

There are invalid XML files


The invalid XML files will not be processed.

Prior to uploading the content anew, the invalid XML files must be fixed using the indications present in the explanatory sentence between brackets that pinpoints the error.

Some Dita files could not be parsed


The files not parsed by DITA will not appear in the Fluid Topics portal.

  • If the faulty file is a top map, the entire book will not appear.
  • If the faulty file is a submap, the book will be missing parts corresponding to the faulty submap.
  • If the faulty file is a XML file, the topic will be missing from the book.

The Unknown child mention means that either the DITA map is invalid or a new unknown tag appeared that caused an error.

If the DITA map is invalid, it must be fixed prior to uploading the content anew by checking the DTD validity of the DITA map

Some referenced files have not been found in the archive


The links pointing to the missing referenced files will be broken. It may result in missing images, broken link between topics, and so on.

Either the link to the referenced file is erroneous and must be fixed or the referenced file is not present within the archive and must be added.

There are references to topics which cannot be resolved (path/to/file.dita#TOPIC_ID, TOPIC_ID is not in "path/to/file.dita")


The path is valid but no topic with the specific topic ID is present.

The links pointing to the missing referenced topics will be broken.

Either the link to the referenced topic is erroneous and must be fixed or the referenced topic is not present within the archive and must be added.

There are references to XML nodes which cannot be resolved (path/to/file.dita#topic-id/NODE_ID, NODE_ID is not the topic "topic-id")


The path is valid, the topic ID is found, but no node with the specific node ID is present within the topic.

The links pointing to the missing referenced nodes will be broken.

Either the link to the referenced node is erroneous and must be fixed or the referenced node is not present within the topic and must be added.

Some Topics are using a non valid ID. Value must start with either a letter or underscore (_) and may contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.)


This is simply a warning, data will be processed normally.

The topic ID must be fixed with the proper value.

Some distinct topics are sharing the same ID


Topic IDs must be unique. In some rare cases, broken links may appear.

Impacted topics must be given proper ID (unique).

Some nodes inside a topic are sharing the same ID


Nodes ID must be unique. In some rare cases, broken links may appear.

Impacted nodes must be given proper ID (unique).