Configure Fluid Topics SSO Configuration using sso-tools - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Integration Guide

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To configure SSO for Fluid Topics using the sso-tool:

Run the following command:

/usr/local/afs7/bin/sso-tools --product ft --url $FLUID_TOPICS_PORTAL_URL

Answer the following questions to define your configuration:

  • Name of the realm: enter the name of the realm such as previously defined.
  • Entity of the product
  • Keystore location: enter the FULL path of the previously generated SP keystore (directory + filename).

    For example: /usr/local/afs7/Fluid-Topics/conf/$TENANT_ID/saml/keystore.jks

  • Keystore password: enter the $KEYSTORE_PASSWORD used to authenticate the previously generated SP public keystore.
  • Private Key password: enter the $PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD used to authenticate the previously generated SP private key.
  • IdP metadata file location: enter the FULL path of the IdP metadata file.

With the provided information, the sso-tools will generate a metadata file that must be used to configure the IdP.