Sort Criteria - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

It is possible to customize the sort order by using a list of criteria such as facet,order or facet,order,sort_type:

  • order specifies the sort order: ASC or DESC (for ascending and descending sort order, respectively).
  • sort_type specifies the sort type: ALPHA or NATURAL (for lexicographic or natural order, respectively).

    Syntax example: afs:sort=versionFacet,ASC,NATURAL

  • Multiple cascading criteria can be obtained by using the and keyword or the ; sign (semi-colon) to separate them.

    Syntax example: afs:sort=versionFacet,ASC,NATURAL;Category,DESC,ALPHA

When two replies are found to be equal once every criterion has been evaluated, the replies are sorted by descending docId (meaning that the newest document appears first).