Configure a Guided Search Experience for the Homepage - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

Fluid Topics allows integrators to offer a step-by-step search experience.

  1. In Administration > Portal > Home page, select the Search tab.

    Search tab allows to customize the users' search experience

  2. Select the Guided layout.
  3. Configure the facets to display on the Homepage.

    Facets can created, selected and ordered for Fluid Topics

    On the Guided Homepage, you can configure:

    • Which facets must be presented to the user. (1)
    • The label to display for each facet according to the language selected for the Fluid Topics interface. (2)
    • In which order facets are presented to the user. (3)
  4. Configure the search bar and library display on the Homepage.

    It is possible to set the search bar and library display

    On the Guided Homepage, it is possible to configure:

    • If and when the search bar is displayed. (1)
    • If and when the selection of relevant books is displayed. (2)
  5. Select Save.