Configure DITA-generated content for cross-document publications - Fluid Topics - 3.7

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

Link behavior for DITA-generated content is as follows:

  • If the linked DITA object is present in the same map: Fluid Topics generates same-document link.
  • If the linked DITA object is not present in the same map: Fluid Topics generates a cross-document link.
    Clicking this cross publication link launches a request for the target DITA object and the result is displayed in a specific popup window.


"My_book_1.ditamap" is a book composed of:

  • "Topic_A.xml"
  • "Topic_B.xml"
  • "Topic_C.xml"

"My_book_2.ditamap" is a book composed of

  • "Topic_C.xml"
  • "Topic_D.xml"
  • "Topic_E.xml"

If your archive is composed as follows:

├─ My_book_1.ditamap
├─ My_book_2.ditamap
├─ Topic_A.xml
├─ Topic_B.xml
├─ Topic_C.xml
├─ Topic_D.xml
└─ folder/
└─ Topic_E.xml

The href links in "Topic A" are processed as follows:

<xref href="Topic_B.xml">Fluid Topics generates a normal link to the target topic within the same publication</xref>
<xref href="Topic_C.xml">The topic appears in several ditamaps, but since it can be found in the same ditamap, Fluid Topics generates a normal link to the target topic within the same publication</xref>
<xref href="Topic_D.xml">Fluid Topics generates a cross publications link to the target topic within the appropriate ditamap</xref>
<xref href="Topic_E.xml">Fluid Topics cannot find the Topic_E.xml in the specified path within the archive</xref>
<xref href="folder/Topic_E.xml">Fluid Topics can find the Topic_D.xml in the specified path and generates a cross publications link to the target topic</xref>
<xref href="">Fluid Topics generates an external link to the target webpage</xref>

In this example, for "Topic_E.xml" to generate a cross-publication link to "Topic_A.xml", the "href" attribute must be written as follows:

<xref href="../Topic_A.xml">Fluid Topics finds the Topic_A.xml in the specified path and generates a cross publication link to the target topic</xref>

The href link must target the proper path of the object within the archive to be uploaded.

It is possible to upload archives containing cross-publications links and targeted DITA objects separately.