FT v3.11.9 - Fluid Topics - 3.11

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on February 7th, 2022.


  1. Adds the Users screen to the Analytics dashboard to view the number of authenticated users who accessed the portal or a public API.

    Documentation links: Users 

  2. Adds a 13th month of data availability to the Users, Sessions and API calls screens.

  3. Adds the possibility to add Personal Books (both shared and not shared) to Collections except when using the application in Offline mode or using the Content packager.

    Documentation links: Add Content to a Collection 

  4. Adds Personal books (both shared and not shared) to the response of the List a Collection's Documents web service.

    Documentation links: List a Collection's Documents 

  5. Improves OWASP compliance by specifying a Content-Disposition: attachment header for resources accessed through the /public web service.

  6. Changes a label when there is no asset in the Asset Library.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Analytics AMS-1615

Fixes an issue where the document.start_display event would sometimes not be sent when displaying an Unstructured Document.

Analytics AMS-1616

Fixes an issue where selecting the Download button in the Viewer page would sometimes not generate a document.download event.

Analytics AMS-1617

Fixes an issue where selecting a date in the API calls heatmap would sometimes not display the correct data.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-7443

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics would fail to process content because of incorrectly configured HTML links.

My Account FT-7461

Fixes an issue where the Cancel and Save buttons would sometimes not be displayed in the correct order.

Notifications FT-7462

Fixes an issue where DKIM and SPF validation would not work as expected when configuring a From address in the Email administration interface.