FT v3.11.15 - Fluid Topics - 3.11

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on March 21st, 2022.


  1. Updates the TinyMCE rich text editor from version 4.7.9 to version 5.10.3.

  2. Adds the CONTENT_PUBLISHER user role.

    Documentation links: Content Publisher Role 

  3. Removes the toggle in the Process content administration interface and makes the new version of the interface permanent.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
KHUB - Content ingestion FT-7527

Fixes an issue where the md2ft command would support empty publications.

KHUB - Reporting FT-7635

Fixes an issue with the custom sort function in the new Process content administration interface.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-7637

Fixes an issue where a superfluous mechanism to cancel a process job would appear in the Process content administration interface.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-7639

Fixes an issue where uploads that finish fast would take a long time to appear in the History table.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-7655

Fixes an issue where some errors would not be displayed in the Process content administration interface.