Fluid Topics Guided Homepage - Fluid Topics - 3.10

Fluid Topics User Guide

Reference Guides

Depending on the portal's configuration, some users may have access to a guided, step-by-step Homepage experience as follows:

A Guided Homepage offers your users a step-by-step search experience


  1. Fluid Topics header
  2. Title and short description of the Fluid Topics portal. Administrators can modify these in the Portal > Homepage administration interface.
  3. Content language selector.
  4. Facets used to refine the search by defining criteria. Facets selected for the guided homepage are displayed one by one in the order of their configuration. If users do not choose a value for the first facet, the second one will not be displayed, and so on.
  5. Search field used to type one or more keywords. Entering an empty search query displays all the documentation the user has the right to access in the Search page.
  6. Tiles corresponding to the documents matching the selected search criteria. Selecting a document tile automatically opens it in the Reader page.

For more information about facets, see Facets on the Homepage.

To search for topics containing a specific keyword:

  1. Enter the keyword in the search field:

    FT Homepage search

    The smart autocomplete feature presents matching content.

  2. Select the FT Search Icon "Search" icon.