FT v3.10.18 - Fluid Topics - 3.10

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on October 18th, 2021.


  1. Adds a documentation link to the Pretty URL administration interface.

  2. Normalizes the values of the word:render_cover_page metadata in the Word connector.

  3. Changes the footer to make it use the HTML footer tag.

  4. Provides a new public web service to get the text version of an unstructured document.

    Documentation links: Get the Content of an Unstructured Document as Plain Text 

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
Integration FT-6965

Fixes an issue where providing an invalid URL after a login parameter would trigger an HTTP 500 error.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6970

Fixes an issue where Word topics would not inherit the metadata of the document to which they belong.

Integration FT-6980

Fixes an issue where KHUB_ADMIN API keys would display an HTTP 500 error when calling the /api/admin/khub/sources/${sourceId}/upload public upload web service.

Upgrade Information

DOM changes: The former div.footer selector is now replaced by footer.footer as the div footer tag is now a proper footer HTML tag.