FT v3.10.14 - Fluid Topics - 3.10

Fluid Topics Release Notes

Release Notes

Released on September 27th, 2021.


  1. Adds a metadata element to control whether the Word connector renders the Cover page of a given document.

  2. Speeds up Pretty URL processing.

  3. Adds the possibility to define Enrich and Clean rules using certain built-in metadata.

  4. Changes how the Word connector parses the Control file to be consistent with other connectors.

Bug Fixes

Component Issue Number Description
KHUB - Indexation/Publication in CR FT-6808

Fixes an issue where some documents would fallback to raw Word format.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6871

Fixes an issue where an error message about invalid source configuration would be incorrectly positioned.

KHUB - Enrichment FT-6885

Fixes an issue where the action footer in some administration interfaces would overlap with content.

Turnkey Portal FT-6887

Fixes an issue where internal tenant IDs would be disclosed in JSON errors.

Homepage FT-6892

Fixes an issue where Fluid Topics would not display the Guided homepage library when metadata is missing for a content language.

Turnkey Portal FT-6895

Fixes an issue where unauthenticated users could not access the unsupported browser page on a portal where authentication is required.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6896

Fixes an issue where accents in the filenames of uploaded zip files would not be displayed correctly.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6907

Fixes an issue where the Metadata journal would display a null value for the ft:clusterId metadata.

Integration FT-6912

Fixes an issue where an invalid HTTP code would be returned when the requested stylesheet is not found.

KHUB - Content ingestion FT-6914

Fixes an issue where an invalid control file would block processing for some connectors.