Manage Sources - Fluid Topics - 3.10

Fluid Topics Configuration and Administration Guide

Reference Guides

A source is the origin silo of a document and is defined based on the following criteria:

  • The format of the input data, depending on its CCMS (Author-it, DITA, DocBook, etc.).
  • The specific instance of the data-generating CCMS.
  • The category of the documentation (technical, marketing, etc.).

By default, the following sources are available:

  • Default Author-it for Author-it generated content.
  • Default DITA for DITA generated content.
  • Default UD for Unstructured Documents.

Selecting the Manage sources tab in the Knowledge Hub section of the Administration menu opens an interface where ADMIN and KHUB_ADMIN users can create a source, modify its characteristics, and clean its content as follows:

Manage sources administration interface

  1. A button to create a source.
  2. This column displays the name and description of the source, as entered in the "Name" and "Description" fields of the source creation window.
  3. This column displays the source ID, as entered in the "ID" field of the source creation window.
  4. This column displays the source type, as selected in the "Source type" drop-down menu of the source creation window.
  5. This column displays the category ID of the source, as entered in the "Category ID" field of the source creation window.
  6. This column displays the "Installation status" of the source. Green means the source was successfully created. Orange means an error occurred.
  7. This column displays the number of resolved documents processed through this source.
  8. When selecting the name of the source, the following buttons are displayed:

Fluid Topics creates default sources during installation for the relevant source type(s) used by a tenant.

Processing the same data through different sources creates duplicates of that data.